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In this blog, you'll find the Dune movie reviews and much more! Hope you enjoy!  "Dune" will be released soon,it is the third attempt to film Frank Herbert's great creation. But none of the fans of the original source disliked it that humanly. Future of mankind, according to Herbert, not so bad. The inhabited space is ruled by large families, shared famous worlds. But the catch is that switching between them is only possible with the help of "spices" - condiments, substances, discovered only on one of the planets discovered throughout the history of space exploration - Arrakis.   Denis Villeneuve's Dune is one of the most talked about science fiction fiction films of recent times. Adapted from a difficult...

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What is Dune Universe? Dune Series, Sandworms and Interesting Facts from Past to Present

  Dune, Frank Herbert's six-book, award-winning sci-fi series brought to the big screen by David Lynch at first; this time it is being adapted for the cinema by Denis Villeneuve. The next work of Denis Villeneuve, who is known in the cinema world with films such as Prisoner, Enemy, Sicario and Arrival, and who recently directed Blade Runner 2049. From viewers to readers, including the director himself, there is a widely shared opinion: the screen adaptation of Frank Herbert's long-running novel Dune is a work of uneven inspiration at best, sometimes dazzling, often awkward. So much so that the film is not only disowned by its director, but regularly eluded by the commentators of its filmography. The latter generally refuse...

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What is Transhumanism? | Definition and Theories

Although transhumanism is not a completely homogeneous current, transhumans and transhumanists worldwide are generally united by the pursuit of a long, healthy and more livable life. And the goal of positive development for people and society, especially (but not only) through science and technology. The question “what is transhumanism” needs a far broader answer. Transhumanism is often seen as a logical continuation of humanism in the context of current progress and the current page development.   You read our What is Transhumanism? | Definition and Theories blog post. If you want to read more blogs about Sci-Fi visit our Sci-Fi Blog page.

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5 Futuristic Science Fiction Movies

Live longer, stay healthy at the same time and enable a good life for everyone - these are ideas that everyone certainly wants for themselves and for the near or distant future. We are reluctant to deal with negative things that could affect precisely those rosy ideas. Nevertheless, it is important to deal with possible scenarios, even if at first glance they may not promise what we hope for in an ideal future.   5 Futuristic Sci-Fi Movies What futuristic science fiction films can do is to draw a picture of how it could develop if society and people do not pay attention to one another. This is where the great opportunity lies at the same time: danger recognized, danger averted....

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10 Most Popular and Best Sci-Fi Robots and Droids

In this blog you will find the 10 Most Popular and Best Sci-Fi Robots and Droids. 10 most loved Science ficRobots and Droids When we say sci-fi movies, the bottom line comes to robots and droids in one way or another. We come across robots and droids frequently in many movies until today. We have listed these machines, which are sometimes part of our fearful dreams and sometimes our fantastic dreams, which can be cute or scary in mind. MOTHER – I AM MOTHER The figure “mother” also continues binary gender stereotypes insofar as the robot is clearly a female entity, with a female voice and the clearly gendered designation “mother”. In order to raise a child, it seems, it needs...

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