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10 Best Sci-Fi Books to Read on Your Holiday or Vacation

Wondering which 10 best science fiction books to read on holiday? Then you will be able to take a look at the special books from each other in this list that we have prepared specially for you. Best Sci-Fi Books to Read on Your Vacation or Holiday 10. Improbable – Adam Fawer Published by Adam Fawer in 2005, this science fiction book is a fairly flawless work that has garnered almost everyone's acclaim. Improbable, an alternative that book lovers can't drop out of their hands has great fiction. You should buy this book, which is one of the very valuable works where you can feel action and adventure at the same time. 9. Dispossessed Ursula K. This book, written by Le...

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What is Voyager Golden Record?

Have you ever wonder why Voyager spacecrafts and Golden Records are a big step for the communication with other possible life-forms?  What is Voyager Golden Disk? Voyager gold records are among the most popular subjects of the last period.  NASA launched the unmanned vehicle, Voyager-1 and Voyager-2, into space in 1977 to collect data from Jupiter and Saturn. The Voyager spacecraft, which weighs 825 pounds, continues to transmit data from space today. These two spacecraft carry a special cargo as well as a very important mission that it has been carrying for many years. Two records, the golden plaque, consisting of audio and images telling extraterrestrial intelligent life forms about life and cultural diversity on earth, were placed on Voyager...

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10 Best Sci-Fi Movies to Watch with Your Girlfriend or Wife

In this blog you will find 10 Best Sci-Fi movies to watch with your girlfriend or wife. If you want to find a sci-fi movie to watch with your girlfriend, you don't need to investigate any more! Because we've compiled for you the 10 best science fiction movies you can watch with your girlfriend. Before looking at which of these films are, we say that to bring romance to the top, you must capture perfection not only in the choice of movies but also in the organization! Now let's see what the top 10 science fiction movies you can watch with your girlfriend! 10. Equals It tells the story of survival developed by the people who survived the Great World...

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