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Best Sci Fi Shows and Series on Amazon Prime

In this blog we will look at the sci-fi series that you can watch in Amazon Prime.   As you know, Amazon Prime led to a dynamism in the digital broadcasting industry. In this way, it both rivaled and offered us a good alternative to Netflix, which we could not get rid of, but had difficulties in finding the right movies. The platform, which has managed to make a name for itself with its convenient subscription model and comprehensive contracts offered for its internal productions, also hosts many movies and series that will steal the hearts of science fiction lovers. In this article, we will try to list 6 series that can be watched on Amazon Prime and give information...

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Best Sci-Fi Series & Shows on Netflix

Science has shown us that the possibilities in this world are limitless, and scientists are trying to discover something that will change the course of history every day. Science is constantly evolving, and as it shows us possibilities, our imagination develops, thinking about what we can do in the future. Science has made the whole world a completely different place today than it was a hundred years ago. Science fiction, stories that fictionalize the possibilities of scientific study, has long remained popular. Mary Shelley's iconic book ‘Frankenstein’ is considered her first science fiction novel. Later, H. G. Wells and Arthur C. Clarke. It has become increasingly popular among writers such as Clarke. Now let's check out the most acclaimed science...

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