Short Sci-Fi Stories — cyborg story RSS

Mr. Prosser’s Appointment

Mr. Prosser’s Appointment  written by GX Barnett  Instagram: @thegodsendfromgravesend   This would be Mr. Prosser’s 981st doctor’s visit since the accident which, in a normal lifetime, would have seemed like far too many. Luckily for the now 388-year-old Arnold Prosser, these visits are now more akin to “tune-ups” than they are matters of life and death. As the first human to receive the combination of an artificial heart, cybernetic eye, pneumatic jaw, and prosthetic lung from one 43-hour surgery, he was world renown as a modern marvel. All the subsequent experimental upgrades since then have anointed him a savior to millions. It has been the only positive that came from the accident that had killed his beloved wife. “A pleasure to see you again,...

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