In this blog we will dive into Jules Verne life and his adventure who is one of the big writer of all sci-fi history.
Jules Verne, one of the founding writers of the science fiction genre, in his Journey to the Moon written in 1865, pushing the boundaries of science and imagination, initiates the Apollo Project for the reader a hundred years earlier than known. The story of the bravery and madness of the Baltimore Arms Club members, who pursue the idea of reaching the moon with a ball, is masterfully crafted with satire. Ok, but who is this Jules Verne? Who entered the list of must-read books with his world-famous writings?
Jules Verne was born on February 8, 1828 in Nantes, France. Jules Verne was the son of a family with a maritime tradition, and this situation deeply affected his writing life. As a young boy, he ran away from home to crew on ships, but was caught and handed over to his family. He went to Paris in 1847 to study law. However, while in Paris, Jules Verne’s interest in theater deepened. In the late 1850s his first game was published. When his father heard that he had quit his law education, the money sent for his expenses was cut. This situation forced Jules Verne to earn money by selling his stories.
After long hours spent studying geology, engineering and astronomy in the libraries of Paris, Jules Verne published her first book, Five Weeks in a Balloon. This novel was followed by novels such as Travel to the Center of the Earth, From Earth to the Moon, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The popularity of the novels made Jules Verne a rich man. In 1876 he bought a large yacht and sailed around Europe.
Lets deep in to the journey to the moon. Because we are so much interested in moon you know.
From the Earth to the Moon has an interesting opening, just like Jules Verne's other novels, which makes surreal ideas common with a masterful humor. As elite members of the Baltimore Arms Club competed with each other to build the world's strongest and longest-range guns during the American Civil War, after the end of the war, while falling into a huge vacuum, they are firmly attached to a new ideal put forward by the club president. President Barbicane put forward the idea of throwing a cannonball on the Moon to show how far astronomy has progressed and to prove America's power to the world. This crazy idea, which spread rapidly with the adoption of the club members, turns into a project that receives great support first from the American people and then from various countries of the world. Taking all kinds of support behind him, all the chairmen and vice presidents need to do is to make a big enough ball with correct calculations and use the most suitable materials.
In this book, written in 1865, right after the end of the American Civil War, I had the feeling that we were reading the story of America, which started the Space Race in 1957 to prove it was the greatest, 100 years ago. I can say that the idea of throwing cannonballs on the Moon, which was put forward for the same purpose, has turned into a real and surreal story at the same time with the humorous narration of the master writer. While the real part lies in humanity's defense and realization of such crazy ideas with fire, the surreal part lies in the ingenious humor he uses in his narration. In order to analyze the book in more detail, I would like to open up this subject a little.
Jules Verne manages to fit the things he puts forward and the machines he mentions into a logic framework, even in his most fantastic-looking works. That is why it is said that many of the mechanisms that he elaborated and described in detail in his works opened the horizon and set an example for the development of European industry. In this book, as we accompany the preparation of the famous ball to be used for the journey to the Moon, we gain step-by-step technical knowledge on artillery. From the type of cannon to the material to be used, from the selection of bullets to the choice of gunpowder, we learn so much that anyone who reads this book can become a gunner in a possible war. When viewed within the framework of universal laws, it is always possible to throw a cannonball on the Moon. It was logically possible even in those years when the book was written, that I think Jules Verne actually wanted to explain this with the reference to Archimed and leverage he made in a part of the book.
Jules Verne, nicknamed "science fortuneteller" because he predicted many inventions, predicted many events that were not in his time, such as submarines, space travel, and oxygen tubes. The inventions he predicted in his books were often given the names he used. His works have been translated into 148 languages. Jules Verne has set a major turning point in world literature. He has enabled science fiction to enter literature.
Jules Verne died on March 24, 1905 in Amiens, France.
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